
The Manifesto

What does MT stand for?

MT stands for Makers Territory. This is a sandbox for Makers to try out experiments and Make fun stuff. You could Write, Knit, Hack, Build, Create, Compose, Invent. You are Making.

What does CX stand for?

CX stands for Creative eXploration.

What does MTCX stand for?

MTCX stands for a safe space to encourage Makers to explore their creativity.

What do you Make?

The idea is to create a safe space for creative exploration. Your exploration may not necessarily be considered as ideal by others. It doesn’t matter if you Make a website using some archaic language that was never meant to build a website. It doesn’t matter if you Make a programming language that is not meant to scale. It doesn’t matter if you Make a fun app that nobody uses. It doesn’t matter if you Make an ugly desk. It doesn’t matter if you Make a sweater that doesn’t fit. It doesn’t matter if you Make a new Wheel.

It can be anything.

The idea is to Create, Produce, Compose, Manufacture, Write, Knit, Hack, Build, Invent. Make.

Let the world laugh at your ideas or your creation. It doesn’t matter. The goal is to not stop Making.

Qualification to join
